Andrea and Aziza on CBS Mornings

Aziza and Andrea demonstrated true leadership on CBS Mornings. As a testament to the work NewGround has done over the past year plus, they secured free, national, live air time on a network morning show. This both amplifies our work and demonstrates our nationally-recognized expertise on helping people talk more openly and compassionately about polarizing topics. 


They shared the importance of listening to stories with differing narratives, and how much of a gift that can be to help us recognize our biases, especially when it can be challenging. We’ve learned that listening to another’s narrative is in itself and act of validation. It shows that we care about how someone describes their experience, rather than forcing our own interpretation on them. As we move into 2025, this reciprocity will be crucial for our communities’ shared well-being.


Additionally, the documentary on NewGround by CBS’s Race and Culture unit will air again this weekend on CBS channels across the country at 6:00 PM PT/9:00 PM ET. If you missed it when it premiered back in September, please check it out. It is also available to view on Paramount+ or Youtube.


You can watch the first CBS Mornings interview HERE. 

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