NewGround thanks our supporters for their investment in creating change-makers and connecting communities.
- The Angell Foundation
- The Baran Family Endowment Fund
- The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation
- Estate of Nina Byers
- California Community Foundation
- City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission
- El-Hibri Foundation
- Rosenthal Charitable Trust
- Weisman Discretionary Trust
- The Otto & Marianne Wolman Foundation
- Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
- Lisa and Maury Friedman Foundation
- California Humanities
- Max & Anna Baran, Ben & Sarah Baran and Milton Baran Endowment Fund
- UpStart
- Paul A. Beck
- The Fakhri Family
- Robert Simon Ellis Foundation
- Saya Foundation
- Loran Calvin & Tony Smith
- The Guibord Center
NewGround builds community through lasting and authentic partnerships.
- Aga Khan Council for Western U.S.
- American Jewish University (AJU)
- American Muslim Professionals (AMP)
- Bilal Center
- B’nai David Judea
- Braid- Jewish Women's Theater
- Cafe Rumi
- Congregation Beth Shir Shalom
- East Side Jews
- Hebrew Union College
- ILM Foundation
- IMAN Cultural Center
- Islamic Center of Southern California
- Islamic Law Society of Southwestern University
- Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering, i-CERV
- Jewish Family Service- Family Violence Project
- Jewish World Watch
- JQ-International
- Jumpstart
- King Fahad Mosque of Culver City
- Leo Baeck Temple
- LimmudLA
- Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
- Masjid Bilal Islamic Center
- Masjid Ibadullah
- Moving Torah
- Muslim and Jewish Organized Relief (MAJOR Fund)
- Muslim Bar Association
- Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV)
- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
- Muslims Establishing Communities in America (MECA)
- Nefesh
- New Horizon Pasadena School
- Stephen S. Wise Temple
- Suffi Association
- Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
- Tiyya
- UCLA Department of Jewish Studies
- UMMA Free Clinic
- United Synagogue Youth Far West Region (USY)
- University of Michigan's MuJew