
A Message From the Executive Director

Dear Change-makers and community members,

As a stakeholder in the NewGround community, we wanted to share with you some of the amazing successes NewGround has accomplished over the past few years to champion change. The upcoming U.S. presidential election has generated a drastic rise in social division. As NewGround  launches our fall programming and prepares for this December’s first ever virtualized Trailblazer Talks, we are also working diligently to confront the tide of phobia and promote pluralism.

On September 24, 2015, I was appointed to the White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. I joined community leaders from across the nation in making recommendations for improved relationships between faith-based organizations and the government. It is an exciting new endeavor for myself and for NewGround.

Over 18 million people have viewed the new Buzzfeed video, “I’m Muslim, But I’m Not…,” featuring Change-makers such as Saaliha Khan and Tom Earl, our own former NewGround staff members, and Marwa Abdelghani, our former Muslims and Jews Inspiring Change (MAJIC) advisory board member. The video is a vehicle for change — celebrating the many faces of Muslim Americans across Los Angeles.

Harvard University’s Pluralism Project Director Diana Eck praised NewGround in the 17th issue of the Journal on Inter-Religious Studies.  A piece on the transformative power of relationships written by NewGround is also published in the issue, while the Jewish Journal and Alt Muslimah ran our thought piece on resolving differences, co-authored by Andrea Hodos, an alumna of our Professional Fellowship program, and myself.

Our Change-maker initiatives, such as the Sardari & Morady StoryTwo Faiths One Prayer, and 72 Virgin Mocktails, among many others, have reached over 150,000 people locally and globally amplifying our message of pluralism.

We invite you to explore more about our change-makers in action right here on our website,, and continue the conversation on social media @MJNewGround to see how we #BreakNewGround together.

With gratitude,

Aziza Hasan

Executive Director

October 22, 2024

Oct. 27th Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom West Coast Conference & Workshop

Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom's annual conference is on Sunday , Oct 27th! Plus, an elgant pre-conference meet and greet on Saturday evening, Oct. 26th at PM.
October 18, 2024

NewGround Book Club: A Conversation with Sandy Tolan, Oct 28th

On October 28, 5 PM PST, we'll speak with Sandy Tolan, author of The Lemon Tree, which tells the story of the al-Khairi and Eshkenazi families and their separate and intertwined histories to a single house and the lemon tree in its garden. Sandy is a best-selling author and an award-winning radio and print journalist who reports on and comments frequently about Palestine and Israel. 
October 7, 2024

Moments for Mourning: Remembering Sacred Lives

This week, we're offering spaces for grief. We're investing in our change-makers. Our message is clear: We must find the will to re-humanize each other. We must recognize the inherent dignity of those who differ from us and slow down our conversations to truly understand one another. We'd like to invite you in the ways that NewGround is creating space for healing and change this week.
October 7, 2024

Essay in Zócalo Public Square by Aziza and Andrea 

We know that if we cannot find a way to see one another’s people as human beings, the violence will never come to an end. In an essay published today in Zócalo Public Square, Aziza and Andrea reflect on a year of grief, and call on all of us to honor the sacredness of each human life, and we would like to share it with you.
October 7, 2024

Take Heart Now Online Series: Aziza Hasan and Andrea Hodos

This evening, October 7th at 6pm PST,  via Zoom, Aziza and Andrea will join Dr. Lo Sprague of the Guibord Center for their new series "Take Heart Now." In this conversation, the three will discuss the personal challenges they've faced this year, and explore ways to find grounding and compassion amidst the ongoing heartache and devastation of war.
October 3, 2024

Rosh Hashana Message From Aziza Hasan – Wishing Everyone Shana Tova!

Each year, the Pico Union Project offers Jewels of Elul, an annual series of short reflections from many authors around a specific theme. This year's theme was "If Not Now, When?" Our executive director Aziza Hasan submitted the following piece, To Bear Witness.
September 21, 2024

NewGround Book Club: A Conversation with Ibtisam Barakat, Nov 18th

Join us in a conversation with Ibtisam Barakat, author of "Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood", on November 18th at noon PST.
September 21, 2024

NewGround Book Club: A Conversation with Stephanie Saldaña, Sept.30th

We’re excited to announce the first in a series of author conversations coming this fall. Our first talk will be with Stephanie Saldaña, author of What We Remember Will Be Saved: A Story of Refugees and the Things They Carry.
September 21, 2024

CCEJ United Against Hate Webinar Sep. 24th, 1pm PT

Join CCEJ this Tuesday, September 24th for the United Against Hate Webinar: Building Bridges in Divided Times - Online | 1pm – 2pm PT.
August 28, 2024

Aziza Hasan Will Speak at the Reclaiming Our Freedom Event, Aug 28th, 6:30PST

Join us this evening (Wednesday, August 28th) at 6:30 p.m. PT online for a reflection with other faith leaders on the March on Washington and its legacy today.
July 9, 2024

NewGround Represents at Day of Religious Pluralism

Sharp eyes will recognize several NewGround community members in this group picture from the Day of Religious Pluralism, hosted by LA Civil Rights. Aziza Hasan and Brie Loskota led guided table conversations on the theme of the event: humanitarian solidarity. 
July 3, 2024

Aziza speaks at UCLA’s Symposium on Hate

Aziza Hasan spoke during a symposium convened by UCLA's Center for the Study of Hate. She spoke about how hate is a learned behavior that can be unlearned, and how hate can become a driving force of identity for people, which can make it hard to relinquish.
July 3, 2024

Aziza Hasan speaks at the 9th Annual Interfaith Solidarity March!

As reported in World Religion News, NewGround executive director Aziza Hasan was one of several panelists at a discussion following the Interfaith Solidarity March in Los Angeles, organized and produced by the Institute for Religious Tolerance, Peace and Justice (IRTPJ). 
June 20, 2024

Applications and Nominations for the NewGround Professional Fellowship Are Now Open! Deadline September 29th

The NewGround Professional Change-Maker Program provides the expertise and relationships needed to transform Muslim-Jewish relations and work on issues of shared concern. This experience is an investment in religious, civic, and communal leadership to foster a network in which community members support and challenge one another.
June 11, 2024

Spectrum News Profile with Andrea Hodos and Tasneem Noor

Spectrum News journalist Zarina Khairzada profiled our programs director, Tasneem Noor, and associate director, Andrea Hodos, on how NewGround's work has been impacted by the crisis in Israel and Gaza, and how they have needed to adapt the fellowship to meet this moment.
June 11, 2024

2024-2025 MAJIC Applications Are Open! Deadline July 5th

We are in search of strong candidates for next year’s MAJIC cohort. Learning to listen resiliently and speak with courageous compassion is more critical than ever before. MAJIC provides the space to have rough draft conversations and build coalition skills at a time when polarization is ripping us apart.
June 11, 2024

NewGround Symposium hosted by the Professional Fellows

Last weekend, our current cohort of Professional Fellows convened the first NewGround Symposium, an opportunity for NewGround community members to come together under the guidance of the Fellows to discuss the intense topics that these Fellows have grappled with over the past year: anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish hate and bias, the interconnections between them, and the many painful stories connected to Israel Palestine and the crisis in Gaza.
May 3, 2024

NewGround Featured On ABC News

  @abcnews highlighted NewGround and our Executive Director, Aziza Hasan, in a new article saying: "One of the most powerful moments for me, however, was one of the most somber." The iftar held by NewGround, a group led by executive director Aziza Hasan and associate director Andrea Hodos – Palestinian and Jewish, respectively – brought together dozens of Muslims and Jewish people.
April 23, 2024

MAJIC Graduation!

On Tuesday evening, we graduated our most recent cohort of MAJICians, and we take inspiration from them in this moment. They have been doing this work for a full year in some of the most difficult circumstances for Muslim and Jewish teens in the US right now. And they persevered.
April 23, 2024

April 21: Educational Symposium on Jerusalem

Crossroads of Three Abrahamic Faiths