Zaïda Mehnaz Saleh, born in Sri Lanka, having a Moorish background, Zaida was always exposed to diversity in a multi-ethnic island. Her father is of North African descent and her mother, Indian. Zaïda attended Catholic school for the first 6 years of her life and her best friend was Swiss-Jewish. She first fell in love with interfaith when she joined the Public Relations committee a few years ago at the Islamic Institute of Orange County. Interfaith is connected to her in more ways than one. It is a part of who she is and what she teaches. She is currently a Montessori teacher in Laguna Beach. Dr. Maria Montessori also studied under Gandhi who states “If we are to teach real peace in this world… we shall have to begin with the children.” —Mahatma Gandhi. Her entire philosophy is based on the peace movement. She believes that “The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.” -Dr. Maria Montessori