September 21, 2024

NewGround Book Club: A Conversation with Ibtisam Barakat, Nov 18th

Join us in a conversation with Ibtisam Barakat, author of "Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood", on November 18th at noon PST.
October 3, 2024

Rosh Hashana Message From Aziza Hasan – Wishing Everyone Shana Tova!

Each year, the Pico Union Project offers Jewels of Elul, an annual series of short reflections from many authors around a specific theme. This year's theme was "If Not Now, When?" Our executive director Aziza Hasan submitted the following piece, To Bear Witness.
October 7, 2024

Take Heart Now Online Series: Aziza Hasan and Andrea Hodos

This evening, October 7th at 6pm PST,  via Zoom, Aziza and Andrea will join Dr. Lo Sprague of the Guibord Center for their new series "Take Heart Now." In this conversation, the three will discuss the personal challenges they've faced this year, and explore ways to find grounding and compassion amidst the ongoing heartache and devastation of war.
October 7, 2024

Essay in Zócalo Public Square by Aziza and Andrea 

We know that if we cannot find a way to see one another’s people as human beings, the violence will never come to an end. In an essay published today in Zócalo Public Square, Aziza and Andrea reflect on a year of grief, and call on all of us to honor the sacredness of each human life, and we would like to share it with you.