After a series of comments concerning her position on particular manifestations of support regarding Israel, freshly sworn in Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has become the unintentional […]
It is that point in the year once again, at which NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change selects three exceptional Change-making parties across the Muslim and […]
On December 30, 2018, PBS NewsHour aired special correspondent David Tereshchuk’s feature on Los Angeles Justice and NewGround board member Halim Dhanidina. Composed in part by […]
It’s been many years, and counting, that the NewGround community has successfully crafted and contributed to a lovely and experientially rich Spotlight event. This year was […]
NewGround’s Executive Director, Aziza Hasan, is concerned about voter engagement. Check out her opinion piece in the Sacramento Bee on addressing the matter at hand and […]
This year, the Sacramento Bee has named NewGround Executive Director Aziza Hasan a California Influencer, as part of a series that addresses issues directly affecting Californians. […]
The NewGround team always strives to ensure that our mission continues to hold presence in everything we do. In keeping with this goal, we have recently […]
Each year, NewGround welcomes a select cohort of high-school aged leaders, 12 Muslims and 12 Jews, to participate in our MAJIC program as Muslims and Jews […]
Eid Mubarak! During this past month of Ramadan, NewGround was proud to host two separate Iftars, one of which celebrated our fantastic 2017-18 fellowship cohort, and […]
Each year, the ILM Foundation and NewGround alum Umar Hakim bring together the Los Angeles service community to provide resources and services for the underprivileged of […]